I have to tell you, it is a lot harder to perform when you know that this is for your friends! I was both excited and nervous and the same time, but hey, I have to do my best for my friends!
So I woke up at 6:30am, Shiany wanted me to come to the hotel, where the girls would get ready at 8am, but I like to be early, so I arrived at 7:15am and Shiany was shocked :) I immediately started taking pictures of the hair making, the make up and the details of the dresses. I used my new lens, the 85mm 1.2f, WOW what an amazing lens! I LOVE IT !!!
As always the preparation took longer then planed and we took of to Crystal Springs half an hour late...
When we arrived, we started taking photos for the bridal party! they are the funniest bridal party I had in a long time, hey knowing 50% of them helped :)
The ceremony started, and I was able to take all the artistic photos, since I knew my good friend, Adam Hays, a great photographer will take all the "must have" shots I was free to rome around and take all the artistic shots!
After the ceremony we shot few more portraits, and we headed to the reception area in Crystal Springs. Shiany and Felix performed several dances, some with all the bridal party and some alone... I must tell you, Felix you were the bomb, for someone who did not know how to dance 4 months ago you PERFORMED!!!
As I like to say - "say no more" here are the photos, Enjoy: